segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2015

Graduation W10 - Lesson 260

Pick the Right Expression
1. c
2. b

Put the Verbs in the Correct Form

1. Will have increased
2. Have been exploiting
3. Have composted
4. Will be dining
5. Struggled
6. Will be revealed
7. Will be able to assess
8. Has degraded
9. Don’t coincide
10. Had sorted

Read and Complete
- Health | Muscle development, cardiovascular health | Brain Power
- Activities | Playing sports, exercising |Playing chess, reading, relaxing
- Careers | Bricklayer, garbage collector | Telephone operator, secretary

Listen and Classify
/ɔ/rock, what, song, watch
/aʊ/out, plough, gown, sound

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Graduation W10 - Lesson 260
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