domingo, 22 de fevereiro de 2015

Speech W8 - Lesson 230

Complete With
  1. Aren´t they supposed to provide technical support monthly?
  2. She is constantly advised on how she should invest her money.
  3. After they argued they hardly ever talked to each other.
  4. Nobody seemed to be interested in what she was saying.
  5. At this late hour nothing else can be done.
  6. There were only two seats left on the plane, but neither were first class.
Rewrite the Sentences
  1. Normally, the meeting wouldn´t have started on time, but something must have
  2. Nobody has been advised about the changes yet.
  3. He dream has always been educate her kids at a private school.
  4. Our company has never provided a good work environment to everyone.
  5. Studies haven`t shown a great progress on finding a cure for this disease.
  6. People who live in the south have never seen snow
  • What would you do differently in your routine if there were 30 hours in a day?

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Speech W8 - Lesson 230
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