segunda-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2015

Graduation W10 - Lesson 246

Pick the Right Idiom
1. c
2. b

Rewrite the Sentences

1. I wish I were invisible.
2. I would rather not have heard that.
3. Meg is both intelligent and pretty.
4. She was so excited that she couldn’t sleep.
5. His last book was written while he was still in Greece.
6. My teacher was a great person, so we kept in touch after school ended.

Read and Answer
1. Intensifies
2. Texture and spice
3. Colors and sources of nutrients
4. Personal Answer

Listen and Underline the Stressed Word

1. We highly recommend that you prepare for it.
2. Who cares?
3. I will not put up with that anymore.
4. No, not this one; that one.

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Graduation W10 - Lesson 246
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