sexta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2014

Speech W8 - Lesson 200

Listen and complete the dialogue
1. Would rather
2. Than
3. What did I say
4. Are you married?
5. Want
6. Had better
7. If

Complete with
1. Discussing
2. Blamed
3. Discuss
4. Judging
5. To blame
6. Judges

Rewrite the sentences (would rather/had better)
1. Her father would rather not the idea of her dating that boy.
2. I would rather if if people who don’t know me, don’t judge me.
3. She had better not talk about this to anyone in her school
4. They would rather go to the cinema more than watching a movie at home.
5. Had he better not tell mom and dad about this?
6. I think she had better not walk to the market alone at this hour.

- If you could go back to any moment in history, where would you go?

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Speech W8 - Lesson 200
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